Chloe Hemingway

Urban Outfitters


© 2024 Chloe Hemingway

→ Indy Eyes, Brand Identity

Indy Eyes
— identity, print, digital, motion, copywriting

A new identity for local Indianapolis-based optometry practice Indy Eyes that aims to provoke interest in the practice and highlight the unique services a small independent eye care business is capable of providing. 

The final identity system uses typography in a playful way to hint at the concept of eyesight in unexpected ways.

This project is still in progress to apply the defined identity system to relevant packaging materials and environmental signage to enhance office space.

Indy Eyes is an independent Indianapolis based optometry practice that is owned and operated by one optometrist. His business provides both eyecare and eyewear to its patients. 

Problem Space
Indy Eyes Optometry’s former identity offered up almost no indication of the personality of the practice. There was a lack of consistency, credibility, and recognizability.

Indy Eyes provides valuable, more personalized services that have become rarer in an increasingly commercial eyecare space. A rebrand was a chance to visually convey this and provoke interest in the practice.
The final identity system uses typography in a playful yet sophisticated way to hint at the concept of eyesight in unexpected ways.

The identity in use strives to represent the following values:
  • Trustworthiness
  • High-quality care
  • Attentiveness to detail
  • Small business feel
  • Duality of eyecare & eyewear

Print Collateral
Business Card
Appointment Card
Letterhead Template
Merchandise bag, side 1
Merchandise bag, side 2
Alternate Posters

Website Click-Through